A few ideas following the E3P launch

Created by
Hans De KEULENAER Director - Energy & Electricity
European Copper Institute

Following this week's meeting, we think the fledgling E3P platform has promise but needs to consider some of the following issues:


  • Data exists mainly in relational tables. Therefore, we'd appreciate a functionality to define relations between tables. E.g. an application could be a database of energy audits. This needs a table with audit sites, and a linked table with measures proposed. 
  • OpenData: it would be good to look at LinkedData. Offering data providers a user-friendly method to publish their data in this manner would enable users to develop new, innovative applications using the data through various mashups.
  • From ECI's perspective, the two other functions of the portal (WikEE, Community) are at least as important as data, despite that there was very limited discussion on these at the E3P launch.


  • The name WikEE refers to a wiki, i.e. collaborative writing of articles, but this is not the case here. Possibly another label could be considered.
  • We understand this to be built through user-generated content (UGC). A successful UGC initiative appears to be Energy Collective
  • For users to be encouraged to contribute, the portal needs active promotion and a critical mass of users. It would be great if H2020 and other EU programs on energy would be encouraged to register for the portal.
  • There are many alternative communities on energy efficiency. E.g. Odyssee-Mure, BuildUp, The Copenhagen EE Hub (C2E2), BPIE, EEW, reegle, bigee.net, SE4All's Global EE Accelerator, .... What plans exist to liaise and build on these platforms?


  • This is probably the most ambitious aspect of the E3P portal. A mere forum does not suffice to build a community of practice. A group needs a moderator who not only organises and filters group content, but also actively engages the community.
  • Besides forum, other group collaboration tools can be envisaged, such as a teleconference or webmeeting facility.


  • Please consider adding an event calendar.
  • Such calendar could be useful, provided it will be reasonably complete.
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