On 5 April 2016 the JRC presented the interactive and collaborative online European Energy Efficiency Platform. This beta platform is conceived to fill the gap opened by scattered data and fragmented knowledge resulting from a rapidly growing energy efficiency market. It is expected to be both a one-stop shop for information retrieval and a meeting point for experts to exchange data and reduce redundant activities.
JRC briefing notes on building integrated photovoltaics in 2020
Created the 13 Apr 202213 Apr 2022Total Views 264264
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
European energy policy has developed rapidly in the last decade, and energy conservation has become a recognized indispensible tool and one of the most straightforward solutions to a number of challenges, such as the threat of global climate change, energy security challenges, financial and environmental pressure on the society and the individual.
Created the 10 Dec 202010 Dec 2020Total Views 128128
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
With the increasing importance of establishing long-term synergies between end-use energy efficiency and energy market opening a number of EU Member States have embarked on implementing energy efficiency policy portfolios that consist of energy saving obligations imposed on some category of energy market operators eventually coupled with a trading system for energy efficiency measures resulting in certified energy...
Created the 10 Dec 202010 Dec 2020Total Views 24352435Views Today 22
Policies and Targets
The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) supports local authorities in Sub-Saharan Africa in the climate challenge and in their efforts in ensuring access to clean energy. It is one of the "Regional Covenant" of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM).
Created the 16 Sep 201916 Sep 2019Total Views 341341
Ispra, IT — Monday, September 23, 2019 - 08:30 to Friday, September 27, 2019 - 13:30
Created the 10 Apr 201910 Apr 2019Total Views 22592259
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (CoM) is an ambitious initiative for local climate and energy actions. This document provides signatories with a set of methodological principle, procedures and best practices to develop their SECAP.
Created the 17 Dec 201817 Dec 2018Total Views 386386
Several countries in the world are currently engaged in an energy transition entailing a massive shift to renewable energies and a progressive increase in the efficiency of processes whereby energy inputs are used by economies.
Created the 26 Nov 201826 Nov 2018Total Views 439439
Ispra, IT — Thursday, November 22, 2018 - 08:45 to Friday, November 23, 2018 - 17:30
Created the 26 Nov 201826 Nov 2018Total Views 893893
Policies and Targets
This guidebook provides guidance to local authorities in the elaboration and implementation of their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP). This document supports local authorities in defining the key elements of the initiative, in building a Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI), performing a Risk and Vulnerabilities Assessment (RVA), and the guides them in the elaboration of the actions included in the plan.
Created the 04 Oct 201804 Oct 2018Total Views 483483
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
This report reviews the current status of European Member States’ regulation supporting Demand Response and Aggregation in the wholesale, balancing and ancillary electricity markets, as stipulated in Article 15 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
Created the 02 Oct 201802 Oct 2018Total Views 4848
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
The presentation aims to produce an outlook on the (i) bioenergy progress in the EU over 2005-2016; (ii) some considerations for sustainability and conversion efficiency; (iii) overall measures related to the biomass use for energy in the EU; (iv) the support framework for biomass in electricity, heating/cooling and transport in the EU.
Created the 17 May 201817 May 2018Total Views 7171
Ispra, IT — Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 09:00 to Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 17:00
The transition to renewable energies envisaged by radical scenarios informing policy strategies worldwide is often depicted as just a matter of technological substitution that will not affect our lifestyles. But it may be highly disruptive. Businesses, economies and social life could require a reorganization that has not been thoroughly studied.
Created the 29 Mar 201829 Mar 2018Total Views 428428
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
The need to integrate higher shares of renewables in the EU energy sector brings into discussion the way the renewable technologies/sources have been supported to date. Support schemes are currently the major drivers for investment in the EU electricity sector, while investments in grid assets are driven mainly by regulation that guarantees investors a reasonable return on equity.
Created the 24 Mar 201824 Mar 2018Total Views 12741274
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
The slowdown of renewable energy deployment is a concern and needs to be avoided in the time the EU is aiming higher shares of renewables in 2030. Through a cost-optimal approach the EU ought to double in 2030 the current share of renewables in electricity sector.
Created the 11 Mar 201811 Mar 2018Total Views 7777
Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution
The energy sector accounts for the lion’s share (55 %) of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU). While EU emissions had fallen by 22.1 % in 2015 compared with 1990, and continue to fall, the bloc’s economy grew by 27 % over that period.
Created the 10 Jan 201810 Jan 2018Total Views 7070
Bruxelles, BE — Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 13:00
JRC Lunch Time Science Lecture on “Complex Systems and Social Practices in Energy Transitions- Framing Energy Sustainability in the Time of Renewables”.
Created the 07 Dec 201707 Dec 2017Total Views 231231
On 22 June 2016, the CoM Europe and Compact of Mayors announced the formation of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) - as a worldwide coalition of cities committed to fighting climate change. Over time, the Global Covenant of Mayors will work towards ensuring compatible and comparable reporting approaches for signatory cities worldwide.
Created the 25 Oct 201725 Oct 2017Total Views 5858
On 22 June 2016, the CoM Europe and Compact of Mayors announced the formation of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) - as a worldwide coalition of cities committed to fighting climate change. Over time, the Global Covenant of Mayors will work towards ensuring compatible and comparable reporting approaches for signatory cities worldwide.
Created the 23 Oct 201723 Oct 2017Total Views 6666
Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 16:30 to 17:30
Webinar/Conversation with the Authors of "Complex Systems and Social Practices in Energy Transitions - Framing Energy Sustainability in the Time of Renewables".
Created the 22 Aug 201722 Aug 2017Total Views 15311531
About the Book
Complex Systems and Social Practices in Energy Transitions is the result of an interdisciplinary effort undertaken by a group of scholars in order to stress the urgency of a double change of gear in mainstream research and policy approaches dealing with the current transition to renewable energies.
Created the 21 Aug 201721 Aug 2017Total Views 39513951
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The European Energy Efficiency Platform is an open collaborative tool for a strong and connected energy efficiency community.
The content in it is divided in six thematic and four cross-thematic areas.
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The present report aims to provide an overview of the main issues at stake with the calculation methods for energy savings generated by measures implemented by EU Member States under Article 7 of the Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency (EED).
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