On 5 April 2016 the JRC presented the interactive and collaborative online European Energy Efficiency Platform. This beta platform is conceived to fill the gap opened by scattered data and fragmented knowledge resulting from a rapidly growing energy efficiency market. It is expected to be both a one-stop shop for information retrieval and a meeting point for experts to exchange data and reduce redundant activities.
European ESCO Conference 2022
Given the challenge and urgency to reach the 2030 climate target and climate neutrality by 2050 and the very high energy prices, energy efficiency is the win-win solution.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) are a major suppliers/implementer of energy efficiency solutions in particular in large projects in buildings, facilities and production plans (see).
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a specific delivery mechanisms of energy efficiency solutions by ESCOs (see).
The ESCOs and EPC industry in Europe still faces barriers and it has not yet reached its full potential (see).
The European ESCO conference was started in 2003 in Milan (here) and then was held in Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, France, Portugal, Denmark, UK, Spain, with the last edition was held again in Milan 2015 (here). The ESCO conference was the event to share information on the ESCO industry.
This year the European ESCO Conference 2022 will be organised again in Frankfurt on 5th of October during the Light+Building exhibition.
At the conference the EnPC markets in European countries will be presented, focusing on barriers and enablers, successful examples of implemented project, financing and accounting rules.
Focus will also include the renovation of public buildings, street lighting and the provision of integrated services including demand flexibility and renewables.
The conference will be in presence and it will start at 9.30 and will ends at 17.30.
There will not be registration fees.
- 09.15-09.20 Opening Remarks, Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, JRC
- 09.20-09.40 ESCOS and EnPCs: Key for delivering on Europe's climate targets. Alex Geers, EU ESCO
- 09.40-10.00 EIB support to the ESCOs/EPCs market Dinis Rodrigues, Energy Efficiency & Energy Advisory Division, EIB
- 10.00-10.20 Financial barriers to the growth of the ESCO industry and how to overcome them. Klemens Leutgöb, e7, REFINE-project, Austria
- 10.20-10.40 Global ESCO market trends, Cornelia Schenk, IEA
- 10.40-11.00 The Global ESCO Network, Soren Lutken, UNEP
- 11.00-11.20 Coffee break
- 11.20-11.40 Renovation strategies for complex public and private building portfolios, based on Energy Performance Contracting: Challenges and lessons learnt. Lieven Vanstraelen, Energinvest, Belgium
- 11.40-12.00 A Sustainable Business Model to scale dEEp Renovations? Evolution of the EPC. Nicholas Stancioff, LABEEF Latvian Building Energy Efficiency Facility, Latvia
- 12.00-12.20 User Centric Energy Service Models, Challenges and Best Practices. Rüdiger Lohse, DENEFF EDL_HUB GmbH, Germany
- 12.20-12.40 REPowerEU: Energy management solutions to make it happen Valérie Plainemaison, EFIEES
- 12.40-13.00 FFG - Digital Solution for Efficiency, Scalability & Speed of Energy Efficiency. Zoya Vassileva, Mattig-Levercom Management Partners, Bulgaria
- 13.00-14.00 Lunch
- 14.00-14.20 The German mentoring program to foster energy services in the public sector (Methodology, experiences and best practices). Michael Geißler, Berliner Energieagentur GmbH, Germany.
- 14.20-14.40 EPC in Germany - Past, Present and Future. Michael Pietzner, E1 Energiemanagement GmbH, Germany.
- 14.40-15.00 Drivers and Barriers in the Spanish EnPC market Carlos Ballesteros Barrado, ANESE, Spain
- 15.00-15.20 Super ESCO as a developing tool for EPC market development. Amandine Gal, Econoler, Switzerland
- 15.20-15.30 Accelerate Decarbonisation in EU: for a single EU market for independent decarbonisation ESCO services!, Yann Mahieu, Johnson Controls
- 15.30-15.50 ESCO-in-a-box: Helping cities and regions reduce energy costs for businesses and drive towards net zero. Alex Rathmell, ep group, UK
- 15.50-16.10 Coffee break
- 16.10-16.30 Bringing liquidity to energy efficiency investments: Lessons Learnt from Supporting the Processing of €150m of Sustainable Energy Asset Deals. Matthew Halstead, TNO, AF, Netherlands
- 16.30-16.50 Connecting strategy, data and technology in commercial and industrial built environments. Evangelos Alepochoritis, Honeywell, Greece
- 16.50-17.10 What drives firms' investment in climate action? Evidence from the EIB Investment Survey. Fotios Kalantzis, Economics Department, EIB
- 17.10-17.30 The eeef’s value-chain proposition: project development to implementation. Rahul Pratap Singh, European Energy Efficiency Fund, Luxembourg.
- 17.30-17.50 Updates on financing for energy efficiency from EEFIG. Patrick Woerner, EEFIG, Germany
- 17.50-18.00 Closing remarks
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