INSPIRE for Energy at INSPIRE Conference 2016 - INSPIRing a sustainable environment

Policies and Targets
Technology and Standards
Urban Areas
Transport and Mobility
Energy Generation and Distribution

The INSPIRE Conference 2016 will take place in Barcelona, 26-30 September 2016

It will be organised through a series of plenary sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions focusing in particular on applications and implementations of INSPIRE, interoperability challenges and solutions, research issues and new and evolving technologies and applications and poster presentations.

You are invited to submit proposals for abstracts of presentations which will be delivered in thematic sessions or for workshops; below are topics for which contributions are sought, but not are limited to. 

We are particularly interested in accounts of what works, and what does not work, what are perceived benefits for policy, public administration, citizens and the private sector.

Within the research activities carried out through the Energy and Location informal network, we are particularly interested in abstracts where INSPIRE proved (or is expecting to be) beneficial to the energy policy making life cycle (designing, planning, implementing, reporting, monitoring).

Should there be sufficient contributions, a dedicated session on INSPIRE and Energy could be organised at the INSPIRE conference.

Deadline for submisison of abstracts is 10th June 2016.

Feel free to address any request to the contact person.
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