Launch of the European Energy Efficiency Platform

Policies and Targets
Technology and Standards
Economics and Financing
Behaviours and Social
Urban Areas
Transport and Mobility
Energy Generation and Distribution

On 5 April 2016 the JRC presented the interactive and collaborative online European Energy Efficiency Platform. This beta platform is conceived to fill the gap opened by scattered data and fragmented knowledge resulting from a rapidly growing energy efficiency market. It is expected to be both a one-stop shop for information retrieval and a meeting point for experts to exchange data and reduce redundant activities.

The launch is also a call upon the energy efficiency community to contribute to the collective effort of strengthening the knowledge base in this field of growing importance. The JRC provides the web platform as a tool to facilitate knowledge exchange and ensures that the needs of the online community experts are met. The JRC will also strive to ensure that data and information provided are consolidated and validated by peers.

The E3P is organised around the six thematic areas of energy efficiency in products, cities, buildings, transport, industry and distribution (heating, cooling and electricity). The online platform has 3 main interactive and collaborative features: the Data Hub to share datasets, the wiKEE where users can collaborate in writing articles and the Community area where experts can create Groups.

The E3P will provide robust data and analysis to support the development, implementation and monitoring of energy efficiency policy, industry, consumers' organisations, standardisation bodies, research institutes, the scientific community and NGOs at the EU, national, regional and local level.

9.30 – 10.30 Opening session

  • Welcome by Giovanni De Santi, DG JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport, Director
  • Introductory speech by Vladimir Sucha, DG JRC, Director General
  • The European Energy Efficiency Platform, Isabella Maschio, DG JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport


The European Energy Efficiency Platform

Isabella Maschio








10.30 – 11.30 Roundtable
Moderator: Giovanni De Santi, DG JRC

  • Claude Turmes, Member of the European Parliament, The Greens/European Free Alliance
  • Mary Donnelly, Director for Renewables, Research & Innovation, and Energy Efficiency, DG Energy, European Commission.
  • Andras Siegler, Director for Energy, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
  • Elisabeth Hamdouch, Deputy Head of Unit, Clean Technologies and Products, DG GROW, European Commission
  • François Moisan, Executive Director for Strategy and Research, French National Energy Efficiency and Environment Agency, ADEME


Energy Efficiency Data: implementation and expectation

François Moisan


  • Paolo Falcioni, Director General, European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers CECED


A new stock model for labelled home appliances

Paolo Falcioni






11.45 – 13.00 Open discussion
Moderator: Heinz Ossenbrink, DG JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport


14:30 – 15:30 Parallel sessions


Products Thematic Table

moderator: Paolo Bertoldi, DG JRC,
Institute for Energy and Transport

  • Products related content in the E3P
  • What could be contributed by participants?
  • Future development of the E3P and participants' needs
  • Wrap up of the Products' session

E3P Launch: Discussion points on Products Thematic Table



Buildings Thematic Table

moderator: Daniele Paci, DG JRC,
Institute for Energy and Transport

  • Buildings related content in the E3P
  • What could be contributed by participants?
  • Future development of the E3P and participants' needs
  • Wrap up of the Buildings' session





16.00-16.30 Wrap up and next steps
Moderator: Heinz Ossenbrink, DG JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport

  • Main findings from the Products thematic table
  • Main findings from the Buildings thematic table
  • Wrap up, outline of a common work plan and next steps


Highlights and Conclusions

Heinz Ossenbrink




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