On 5 April 2016 the JRC presented the interactive and collaborative online European Energy Efficiency Platform. This beta platform is conceived to fill the gap opened by scattered data and fragmented knowledge resulting from a rapidly growing energy efficiency market. It is expected to be both a one-stop shop for information retrieval and a meeting point for experts to exchange data and reduce redundant activities.
Applying common methods and principles for calculating the impact of energy efficiency obligations schemes or other policy measures under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive
A Workshop on Common Methods and Principles for Calculating the Impact of Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes and Other Policy Measures under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) has been organised on behalf of DG ENER by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The event has taken place on 10 June 2015 and has aimed, among other things, to:
- Discuss energy savings calculation methodologies and identify the pluses and the minuses of the different options chosen by EU Member States;
- Ensure that more transparency is achieved concerning the way in which energy savings are claimed from measures notified under Article 7;
- Allow that more robust monitoring, verification, control and compliance regimes for the EED Article 7 are put in place by Member States;
- Increase the harmonisation on the way in which information concerning energy savings calculation methodologies is reported in Member States notifications.
- Highlight in which cases pre-existing calculation methodologies have to be modified or adapted in order to comply with Article 7 requirements;
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