One-stop-shops for energy renovations of buildings

Boza-Kiss Benigna
Bertoldi Paolo
Policies and Targets
Economics and Financing

The “One-stop-shops for energy renovations of buildings” report is the exploratory review of case studies of past and current one-stop-shops (OSS) with a primary focus on the EU Member States. One-stop-shops are transparent and accessible advisory tools from the client perspective and new, innovative business models from the supplier perspective.

The current knowledge about this business structure is rather limited. Therefore, the European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC) has engaged in identifying working models, and assessing the framework conditions in which they are successful and the benefits they offer for clients and/or the economy, and effectively also to climate mitigation and energy efficiency improvement of buildings.

This report offers a comparative review, but only limited analysis. A second report will follow as of early 2019, which will complement it with a deeper analytical assessment of the role of OSS in the energy efficiency market, and in the energy system policy framework.
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