European Workshop on Experiences and Policies on Energy Saving Obligations and White Certificates

Policies and Targets

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for policy makers and stakeholders to review and discuss outcomes and results of existing energy saving obligations and white certificate schemes in Europe and beyond. The main objective of the workshop is provide for critical assessment of core design issues drawing upon experiences gained in the actual design, implementation and evaluation of existing European schemes, such as sectoral coverage of the schemes, category of obliged parties (suppliers or distributors), importance of trading and market set-up, cost-recovery mechanisms, and penalties for non-compliance. Furthermore, key issues such as cost effectiveness of energy savings delivered by these schemes, including the cost of implementation, should also be explored so as to contrast and compare white certificate schemes with alternative policy instruments designed to deliver the same outcomes.


Session 1
Welcome and introduction to the objectives of the workshop - Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre
Suppliers obligation in the Energy Efficiency Directive - Gergana Miladinova, European Commission, DG ENER
Best Practices for Energy Efficiency Obligations – A Global Review - Richard Cowart, Regulatory Assistance Project, USA
The Importance of M&V in Ensuring EED Delivers New Additional Energy Savings - Eoin Lees, Eoin Lees Energy, UK
Session 2
The REG public service obligation in the Flemish region of Belgium
The obligation in the Flemish region of Belgium views of the utilities
The public service obligation in Denmark
Session 3
Latest developments in energy efficiency portfolio standards in the United States
The Carbon Reduction Commitment energy efficiency scheme in the UK
Ex-ante analysis of effictiveness and efficiency of white certificates in Sweden
The Australian energy efficiency schemes
Session 4
The views of the ESCO industry
Promoting Energy Efficiency Services: activities, barriers and opportunities from an electricity company perspective
The Italian white certificates from a Large end-user perspective
Results of a survey on the energy manager participation in the Italian WC mechanism
Session 5
An oil company perspective
Ideas and Considerations for the Transport Sector
Closing Session
Questions from Eva Hoos
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