Workshop on Status, Barriers and Incentives to Demand Response in EU Member States

Policies and Targets
Energy Generation and Distribution

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission organises a technical workshop on the state of play of demand response and related national network regulations and tariffs in Member States. The workshop is related to the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive Article 15(1) 4th paragraph including analysis of the extent to which national network regulation and network tariffs fulfil criteria in EED Annex XI, taking into account guidelines and codes developed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009), (4) and (8) and to assess how Member States ensure that national energy regulatory authorities encourage demand side resources and demand response.

Special focus will be given on the identification of incentives which may be detrimental to energy efficiency and demand response market development. These could be in the form of tariff which send price signals that encourage increases/decreases in energy consumption or tariffs which are based on fixed rather than volumetric charges thereby undermining customer energy efficiency. The workshop shall provide a platform to exchange experiences among Member States, and will address topics such as addressing technical and regulatory barriers, dynamic pricing for demand response, experiences of customers' responses to price signals, role of building automation.
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