On 5 April 2016 the JRC presented the interactive and collaborative online European Energy Efficiency Platform. This beta platform is conceived to fill the gap opened by scattered data and fragmented knowledge resulting from a rapidly growing energy efficiency market. It is expected to be both a one-stop shop for information retrieval and a meeting point for experts to exchange data and reduce redundant activities.
Synthesis Report on the assessment of Member States' building renovation strategies
The European building stock consumes approximately 40% of primary energy and it is responsible for 36% of the EU greenhouse emissions. A significant reduction of building energy demand is a requisite to meet Europe’s GHG emissions reduction targets. The Article 4 of the Energy Efficiency Directive requires Member States "to establish a long-term strategy beyond 2020 for mobilising investment in the renovation of residential and commercial buildings with a view to improving the energy performance of the building stock. In order to transpose the Directive and to increase the rates and depth of building renovation, the Member States were asked to develop their first renovation strategies and provide them with their third NEEAPs, due by 30th April 2014. The JRC undertook an assessment of 31 national/regional building renovation strategies submitted by the Member States. The present report summarises the assessment performed by JRC on the received strategies. The analysis assessed and evaluated the compliance with all the items of Article 4 and checked if they were adequately addressed in each national renovation strategy.
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