Synthesis Report on the National Plans for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs)

Delia D'Agostino
Paolo Zangheri
Barbara Cuniberti
Daniele Paci
Paolo Bertoldi
Policies and Targets

Buildings are a key element of European energy policies due to the high energy consumption and estimated potential energy savings that are associated with this sector. The recast of the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) requires Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEBs) as the building target from 2018 onwards. Member States are required to draw up National Plans towards NZEBs, establishing definitions, intermediate targets, measures and policies to progressively move to NZEBs. This report provides an assessment of the current status towards the implementation of NZEBs in Member States. National Plans and other sources of information have been considered in the analysis with the aim of evaluating the current status of European progress towards NZEBs.
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