E3P Launch - Discussion Points for the Roundtable on Buildings

Created by
Daniele PACI Scientific Officer
European Commission - DG JRC, Directorate C - Energy, Transport and Climate
Policies and Targets
Technology and Standards
Economics and Financing
Behaviours and Social

At the E3P launch on the 5th of April 2016, a parallel session on Buildings launched the discussion on what type of content should/could be present in the Buildings section of the European Energy Efficiency Platform.

The discussion, led by Daniele Paci, from the JRC, had the following points:

 a) Buildings-related contents in the E3P

In the initial phase, the content of the E3P builds on the activities carried out at JRC: JRC activities on Energy Efficiency on Buildings

 b) What could be contributed by participants? How?


 c) Participants' needs and future developments of the E3P

During the Thematic table on Buildings participants proposed the following:

  • Erwin Cornelius (VITO Research Centre): based on VITO's experience in collecting data from people in Ghent, it is recommended to ask for very simple data and proposing something useful to them (projections? advice?)
  • Randall Bowie (eceee) proposes to use the E3P:
  1. to collect good quality data that can help set up a long term target or benchmark to transform the building stock into nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB)
  2. and also to get information about the rate of renovation, in terms of speed and depth
  • Kathleen Gaffney (Navigant) suggests to open a discussion on missing data: what are the data needed for energy efficiency in buildings? and also to facilitate the integration of data coming from different sectors and sources
  • Ingevar ? (...) suggested to set up groups
  1. to better define nZEB target, taking also into consideration net metering and positive houses e.g.
  2. to better understand (district) cooling demand
  • Eric? (...) is proposing to host on E3P a group to support an existing collaboration network of SME for the exchange and storage of data. Sub-groups could be needed, as well as some restriction in accessing some data.
  • Lucinda Maclagan (Netherlands Enterprise Agency), participating in Concerted Actions makes large amounts of information available, very different from various stakeholders. How do we ensure the information is accessible afterwards? How is a Group set up? E3P is open but access is not straightforward.
  • Suggestions were made to:
  1. contact existing networks and involve them first
  2. E3P should be promoted in events
  • Cristian Hauke (DG GROW):  Question on how quality checks are performed on the E3P? ()
  • ? (BPIE): how to ensure collaboration, without duplication ?


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