EU Code of Conduct on Energy Consumption of Broadband Equipment: Version 7

Bertoldi Paolo
Policies and Targets

Expectations are that broadband equipment will contribute considerably to the electricity consumption of households in European Community in the near future. Depending on the penetration level, the specifications of the equipment and the requirements of the service provider, a total European consumption of at least 50 TWh per year was estimated for the year 2015 for broadband equipment. With the general principles and actions resulting from the implementation of this Code of Conduct the (maximum) electricity consumption could be slightly reduced or kept constant compared to a business as usual scenario with growing usage and penetration of broadband equipment in the EU.

The potential new electrical load represented by this equipment needs to be addressed by EU energy and environmental policies. It is important that the electrical efficiency of broadband equipment is maximised.

To help all parties to address the issue of energy efficiency whilst avoiding competitive pressures to raise energy consumption of equipment all service providers, network operators, equipment and component manufacturers are invited to sign this Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct sets out the basic principles to be followed by all parties involved in broadband equipment, operating in the European Community, in respect of energy efficient equipment.

More information is available on the Broadband Communication Equipment Codes of Conduct webpage.
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